Why It’s Important To Simplify Your Business Day

Deadline-based projects Team/client meetings Various paperwork Assorted customer demands Varied staff demands Do you have time to do everything? Do you have time to manage the things mentioned above, as well as those other issues that crop up unexpectedly? If you answer in the negative, then you are probably tired, stressed, and contemplating a change in career! If you respond ...

How to Optimize Your Day and Make the Most of Your Time

When you are running your own business, time is money. This means that you need to be making the most of every second of the day to maximize your output and keep your business growing. However, as a business owner and entrepreneur is it easy to get sidetracked by the things that should be occupying your ...

Time Wasters In The Office? Reclaim Your Time

Time wasters are everywhere in the office environment. Even if you are the boss, a high-achieving woman, you have likely found yourself engaged in a bad habit or two occasionally. We’re only human, after all. The moment we have something to do, we get distracted by 101 more important activities. And, don't let us have ...

Want To Be A Time-Conscious Entrepreneur? Avoid These Three Time-Wasters

We have a problem with waste in today’s society. An entire industry has arisen around creating apps to whittle away our free time and distract us from the task at hand. When you work for an employer, a little wasted time here and there might be harmless. We all appreciate that extended bathroom break (and ...

How Can Your Business Maximize Its Time Efficiency?

It’s the oldest phrase in the business playbook, but there is no denying that time is money. Therefore, knowing that yours is being utilized in the right manner should be considered mandatory for all startup owners. Most are guilty of wasting time in one shape or form. Let’s not waste another minute. Here are five top ...