Confidence in one’s self doesn’t come easy for many people. However, in order to continue to grow and shine in this world, we must all be certain that we are presenting our very best selves. That generally begins with believing in who we are, knowing what we want, and developing a plan to achieve it. Self-validation is good for the soul!
No one knows you better than you. Yet, if you’re like many women, you find yourself often seeking validation from someone else.
“What do you think…?”
“Do you think I should…?”
“Am I qualified for/to…?”
“Does my butt look big in this?” (The ultimate trap for the person asked to respond). Of course, it’s human nature to want acceptance, but it’s another thing to NEED it consistently to feel whole.
One of many reasons why this mindset is a no-no is because prioritizing external validation over your own can be detrimental to your personal growth.
Are you seeking validation? Well, looking within, self-validation, is a great place to start:
Be your number one cheerleader. Some folks are never going to clap for you.
Acknowledge and celebrate your strengths, successes, progress, and effort.
Make yourself a priority.
Practice self-care- guilt-free.
Accept your limitations, flaws, and mistakes.
Surround yourself with a supportive circle of people who genuinely want to see you win.
Set boundaries. “No,” is a complete sentence.
Know your worth, and don’t allow anyone to discount it for their self-fulfillment.
Believe that self-love is a gift that you are deserving of. You owe YOU.
Be ok with being perfectly imperfect. A constant need for perfection is a procrastination hack that you want no part of.
BELIEVE IN YOU! Whether you realize it or not, there is someone out there admiring something about you and aspiring to be more like you.
You matter. When you know your worth, no one else can make you feel worthless – unless you give them that power. DON’T DO IT!
If you don’t see and own your worth, you will routinely surround yourself with people who don’t see it either. When your self-confidence ascends, the quality of your life tends to follow.
Rise, with no regrets. Unapologetically. Confidently.
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