Manage Your Email, Not The Other Way Around

Whether you have a team behind you or are going it alone, prioritizing tasks in your workday is essential for success. When you aren’t managing your tasks efficiently, your time management skills or lack thereof will be visible Hence why most successful entrepreneurs focus on tight-knit schedules with little room for maneuver. When there are endless jobs to get done, you must become good at managing your workday. Otherwise, you stand no chance of having much “me time,” something that is essential to self-care.manage your email

One of the biggest consumers of your time involves emails. Whether from clients or investors, how you manage your email can make all the difference in the world to your business. And so, making time for them is essential. When mapping out your to-do list, it helps to carve out a set amount of time to handle emails. However, once you establish what that amount if time is, it behooves you to stick with it Otherwise, one hour of email time, can often turn into two or three. And, if you start your day behind schedule, you can kiss that early departure from the office goodbye. Not to mention that spending too much time on emails, especially in the morning can burn you out before you even begin. So, how can you manage your time and ensure that your commitment time to email isn’t excessive? For the most part, this involves organizing your inbox and here are a few pointers on how to do that.

Get rid of spam

For every hour you spend checking emails, approximately half of it will likely be-be wasted on spam. At least, it will if you don’t get on top of this. As well as wasting time, spam can distract you from the emails that require your attention and, that’s never a good thing. If an email from a top investor gets sandwiched and lost between spam content, it could spell disaster. Unfortunately, unsubscribing to spam by hand takes an eternity in itself. Instead, if you desire to minimize your issues with spam, your best option may be to contact a company like Companies of this nature offer email solutions which could help keep spam at bay, ensure that it doesn’t overwhelm you or your mailbox.

manage your email
To have or not have folders?

Most of make use having separate email folders and, there is much merit in this. After all, it allows you to track every email with ease. However, maybe this isn’t the solution for you. Some studies have indicated that those using this method often spent approximately 10% of their email time on organization. In short; this can become just another time waster, and there’s no need for it. If you’re one to get bogged down by the organization, you may want to consider applying labels, as outlined on These are a fast and efficient way to separate messages and may be the answer that you’ve been seeking.

The no-pile up zone

You should decide what to do with an email the moment you open it. There are two simple options: reply or delete. Even if you reply, make a note of critical points in the original email and then delete it. Whatever you do, don’t leave messages opened but unanswered. That behavior will only mean facing it later in the day or the next when your attention needs to be on something else. The goal for our emails volume is something called inbox zero.
In your quest to manage your email do what works best for you, but do something. Email overload has been known to overwhelm even the best of high-achievers., Don’t be a casualty, stay ahead of the tasks at hand utilizing excellent time management skills, and of course, keep on winning!




*Collaborative post


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