Cloud Computing Basics For The Non-Technical Entrepreneur

There are many buzzwords associated with business computing and the internet these days. If you run your own company, you undoubtedly have heard words like “SEO,” “outsourcing,” and “big data.” Knowing the meaning of these phrases and topics can help enhance your knowledge of modern business and use this to improve your company in a variety of ways.

One hot topic that is having a significant impact on business and all-things IT right now is cloud computing. Cloud computing has all to do with saving data and information to the cloud. “Cloud computing, you may ask?” If you’re not 100% sure what it entails, fear not as you are not alone. However, after reading this blog post; you may not be a pro when it comes to the subject, but you will know much more than you did before you consumed the following tidbits.

cloud computing
The Cloud Is Everywhere

If you can access the Internet, then you are capable of accessing the cloud. That’s because it is accessible from anywhere as long as you have the right log-in details. Access to the cloud is advantageous especially if you work with remote freelancers and contractors. You can upload files for their projects onto the cloud and provide them with the necessary access details so that they can retrieve them using their personal computer. Cloud access will also help you to work while you are traveling, as you won’t need to be connected to your company’s network.

It’s Extremely Secure

Storing files and data in the cloud is a lot more secure than storing them on your computer. If you lose your laptop or if it is damaged, you could lose all of your files. That’s not the case with the cloud as your files are not stored on a single computer. Cloud providers also use exceptionally sophisticated methods of encryption, which makes them safe from most hackers and viruses.

There Are Two Versions

You can use two versions of the cloud: software-as-a-service (SAAS) and Infrastructure-as-a-service (IAAS). With SAAS you get to use the provider’s applications on its servers. WIth IAAS, you can use physical servers and virtual machines to run your own applications and processes.

cloud computing

Support Is Available

The cloud is very easy to use. Even individuals with little to no tech experience will find that they can use it to its full advantage. However, like most things technology-related, that doesn’t mean that it is entirely problem free. Some business owners like to use managed IT services to help them with their cloud computing. Having reliable support is especially helpful when transitioning to more cloud-based services and infrastructures. Also, these firms will be there to help you if you ever run into any issues or problems once you are up and running.

The Cloud Gives Your IT Team More Time

The primary task that most IT departments and teams need to carry out involves making sure that the business’s IT infrastructure is working as it should. Once you move over to a cloud infrastructure, they may not need to carry out this particular job as often, so they will have a lot more time to spend on other areas that may be more urgent and impactful. Much success!





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