Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper said it best, “You manage things; you lead people.” One of the most important skills that an effective leader must possess is the ability to delegate and to do so with forethought. Whether you’re managing people within a corporate setting, or delegating as an entrepreneur to a virtual assistant, your lack of ...
Dove, Diversity and Dollars: Why Workplace Diversity Matters
“You’re pretty for a black girl.” For those who may not be aware, that statement is not a compliment. Never has and never will be. Yet in 2017, I heard it being directed at a young black girl, who appeared as amazed as I was upon hearing it. The individual speaking those cringe-causing words did ...
Women In The Workplace: Why Creating Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Matters
Seven Ways To Create a Mutually Beneficial Partnership The Issues Not a day goes by that I don’t come across an article referring to the scarcity of women in the c-suite. A CNNMoney analysis shows women hold just 5 percent of the CEO jobs in the S&P 500 and the pipeline of rising stars behind them is thin. While the ...
Empowering High-Achieving Women After A Loss
High-achieving women are not accustomed to not being in control. However, death does not ask for permission. What happens to even the highest of achievers when life gets in the way? More specifically, when death takes center stage? READ MORE
C-Suite Material: Glass Ceiling Be Damned
Photo Credit: Women are founding companies at a historic rate, with more than 9 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. today, according to an article in Entrepreneur magazine. We still have a long way to go, though, as female-led businesses only make up 30 percent of companies around the world. C-Suite Material: Glass Ceiling Be Damned. Read ...
How To Use Your Kitchen To Bond With Your Kids
Motherhood-ish: Mother & Son Cheesecake Chronicles I grew up surrounded by women who knew their way around a kitchen. In layman’s terms, THEY COULD COOK! Whether they were the traditional holiday meals or just an impromptu Sunday family dinner, I knew I would not leave the table hungry. In fact, most times it was simply difficult ...