Recent Posts by Jacqueline Dujour

Social Media Precautions: To Share Or Not To Share?

Having an online presence is now a regular part of life, especially for entrepreneurs. Even casual internet users have social media profiles where they are friends with people they barely know in real life. Many bloggers and vloggers have thousands of followers across multiple platforms. Social media allows us to share everything. People read blogs ...

Girls Run The World, But Guys Serve A Purpose, Too

Not long ago, the corporate workplace was primarily an exclusive playground for men. While some women worked outside of the home, it wasn't commonplace to have a significant female presence in an office environment, especially not in positions of power. Now, things couldn’t be more different. While the #timesup movement is in full effect, and we ...

Here’s Why SEO Is Your Company’s Best Friend

If you are an entrepreneur with hopes of being successful, search engine optimization (SEO) deserves your full focus and attention. SEO is a digital marketing tactic aimed at improving the way your website ranks in search engines. In other words, it’s also your company’s best friend. Here are a few of the primary reasons why: Lead Generation Ask ...

Why Some Women Will Never Be High-Achievers

There are people around us who are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Having to make daily decisions about whether to pay the utility bill or buy medical supplies; whether to save their last few dollars for gas for their "hoopty" or a meal for their family. When I hear someone like that use the term,"I can't afford it," ...