4 Business Tips For The New Entrepreneur

Building a business is a long and tedious process.

As a new entrepreneur, you’ll hit so many bumps in the road along your journey, that sometimes it’ll feel as though you’re never going to be successful. Let’s keep it real- there’s a lot of competition out here, but don’t allow that to discourage you. There are indeed a few key things that you should be focused on if you want to build a successful business. These things aren’t rocket science, however, for some reason, a lot of people ignore them. Far too many entrepreneurs are so tunnel visioned on the money making aspects of business, that they forget to focus on some of the basics of running a successful business. The points listed below are examples of critical first steps required on the long road to building a sustainable business. While there are never guarantees, if you follow them to the tee, you should be operating alongside your competitors in no time.

New entrepreneur


A website or an effective landing page is your starting point, your selling point. Have you ever visited a website that has spelling mistakes everywhere, and whose ordering process is more cumbersome than navigating a maze? More than likely you were not impressed and moved on to a competitor. There are a few things you need to focus on when designing your website or communicating with someone who is designing it for you. Branding, layout, and ease of use are critical. If you get these three things correct, you’re already steps ahead in the process. Most new entrepreneurs are not skilled web designers or developer, and it is not an easy skill to grasp. Using professionals such as CandidSky to do the job for you is more common and is likely going to get you the quality results that you desire. When you approach such a company, you need to have those three previously mentioned items in mind. When you’re thinking about branding, you need to think about consistency. For example, try and follow the same theme color scheme throughout your website, the logo, etc.

It is also very common to have some form of company slogan or tagline showing on the website. Without a doubt, you want to make sure the entire website is free of spelling and grammar errors. Arrange to have multiple people proofread the content to make sure it reads and looks professional. Review the layout, as you want to put your best products in the most visible and accessible position. Ease of use of your site is important, and drop-down menus are recommended for easy navigation.

Your Team

Your team plays such a huge part in the success of your business and should be one of your main areas of focus. They’ll be the driving force you’ll need to grow. Make sure to treat them in a manner that is going to encourage them to work hard and be committed to the success of the business. We’ve all had that one awful boss, some of us have had more than one. These are the bosses you don’t want to emulate. Mutual respect and effective leadership go along way. When possible, introduce bonuses and other incentives to increase productivity and loyalty. If team members make a mistake, acknowledge it and give them an opportunity to own it, however, do not degrade them. We’re all human and lessons learned from our mistakes can often be the most beneficial ones.


Many new business owners don’t fully understand the importance of marketing, or even think it’s worth investing in. However, the truth of the matter is that it is so much more important than you realize. Marketing gets your business and products out in the open and seen. Relying on word of mouth alone is going to get you nowhere. All of the big companies are marketing, and even though you may be small in comparison now, it is wise to make this an essential part of your business. Just like with website design, it might be wise to leave this to the professionals. There are simple methods such as social media marketing which for the most part are free. However, this alone won’t be enough to position you to be able to compete with the larger companies. What’s going to get you noticed is the more aggressive and “in your face” techniques. One often overlooked strategy might include billboard marketing. Another approach involves SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which will help to get you results through search engines.

Your Competitors

Your high-achieving mindset makes you your fiercest competitor, although there will always be others competing for the same customers. Even if you’re at the top of your niche and are performing the best that you’ve ever done, there’s always going to be someone that will come along and try to steal your position. While never being distracted from your business goals, you should be watching their every move and looking into what you need to do to stay ahead of them. It might involve pricing, customer service, product quality, etc. It doesn’t matter what it entails, as long as you’re performing better than them, consider yourself winning. If you discover something that they’re doing that would benefit your business, consider implementing it. Never copy, customize, so that it is original with your brand of uniqueness applied.

You’ve entered the wonderful world of entrepreneurship, a lane that is not for everybody. As a new entrepreneur, sooner rather than later you will discover whether it’s for you or not. If you’re ready and willing to strive for excellence rather than perfection and success as a boss is an ultimate goal, you’re off to a good start, and I wish you all the best!


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