Despite being educated, experienced and often times overqualified, my late husband rarely asked for or negotiated compensation that he was deserving of. He was a good guy, passionate about his work, but like so many others, he grew content with receiving salary increases, that by employment market standards were average at best. He believed his work ...
Why Personal Growth Requires Self-Investment
There’s only one guaranteed investment in life, and that’s the one you make in yourself. You are the most important "space" that you can put your time, effort and your money into. However, you are probably the #1 thing/person that gets neglected in life. However, you are probably the #1 thing/person that gets neglected in life. When making ...
MegaFest 2017 Ladies That Lead Panel Discussion
What an amazing experience! Ladies. Leadership. MegaFest. As one of the four panelists for the standing-room-only MegaFest 2017 Ladies That Lead panel discussion, I was able to share the origins of my entrepreneurial journey and inspire other women with either leadership and/or entrepreneurial aspirations to step forward and take the leap!
You Reap What You Sow
NEVER FORGET: You reap what you sow. Positive mind. Positive vibe. Positive life. #FlipItAndReverseIt
MegaFest 2017 Leadership Speaker Jacqueline Miller
Every Successful Businesswoman Must Possess Effective Leadership Skills The mark of a true leader is not a position or title you've held, but it is how many people are willing to follow you. My primary mission as a leader is not to be liked, but to leave a positive impression on the lives of those in ...
A Great Father Figure In Absence of Their Dad
As seen on the Today Parenting Team site When my husband died suddenly on Super Bowl Sunday more than a decade ago, I became a suddenly single mom of 2 boys, 6 y.o and 11 y.o. Amidst all the confusion, loss and disruption that our lives would face, I never expected to meet a man like Fred. My ...