It Takes A Village

Despite the dreary winter weather, I'm feeling excited about my weekend events. One in particular, includes an opportunity to speak with college-bound students about the needed strategies to get into and remain in college. It Takes A Village! I'll also be speaking with them about the advantages and disadvantages of social media. As a society, we are at risk ...

The Bottom Line: Examine Your Personal ROI

As a Mom Coach and Strategist, I find myself having countless discussions with women about their lives, specifically their quest to find healthy harmony between self-care, family, finances and career. It astounds me to observe the difficulty that some working women have responding, when they are asked to define the value that they bring to their ...

Etiquette Empowerment

Entrepreneur. Womenpreneur. Mompreneur. Solopreneur. Employedpreneur. There are several more similar titles, however for the sake of time, I won’t list them all. Suffice it to say that the term 'xyzpreneur' has taken on a zip code of its very own. Women are without question, "doing it for themselves." We are unapologetically shouting, “I’m every woman!” "I am woman, ...