Why Some Women Will Never Be High-Achievers

There are people around us who are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Having to make daily decisions about whether to pay the utility bill or buy medical supplies; whether to save their last few dollars for gas for their "hoopty" or a meal for their family. When I hear someone like that use the term,"I can't afford it," ...

4 Realities Of Restaurant Ownership

There is something about the idea of owning a restaurant that enchants many prospective entrepreneurs. Most of us have emotional connections to great restaurants we have visited in the past, so the idea of being able to create the perfect dining experience for other people sounds ideal. We imagine that we’d spend our days engaging ...

5 Easy Steps To Achieve Your Goals

I am a firm believer in goal setting. If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. No matter where you are in your journey through life, setting goals for your future is very worthy of your time. Goals will help you grow as an individual and improve your performance in ...

Need to Get Away? Entrepreneurs Need a Break, Too

If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a likelihood that your life feels as though you're moving close to one hundred miles per hour on most days. There are a million things to do, you’re working twelve hour days or more, and...you’re always tired. While you may have convinced yourself that this is just a part of ...

No Woman Is An Island, So Stop Trying To Go It Alone

Chances are that you’re familiar with John Donne’s quote, ‘No man is an island.’ It’s something men turn to time and again to justify needing help. However, it’s a statement that women could do with remembering as well. In the masculine world, it isn’t considered ‘manly’ to admit defeat. For women, asking for help is ...

Inspiring Your Children To Dream Big

Young children aren’t afraid to dream big. When you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, the answers will vary. Their ambitions include everything from astronauts and firefighters to doctors and movie stars. But what happens when those initial aspirations fade away? Encouraging your children to aim high is an essential ...