If you're a high-achieving woman in corporate America, your end goal is probably to become a CEO of a big company. It’s a long road that requires a great deal of hard work and dedication to rise to this level, but even then, only the smallest percentage of people make it. There is a tremendous ...
Entrepreneurs Require Personal Development, Too!
Being a busy entrepreneur generally means your life is being pulled in a multitude of directions. In addition to running your business, ensuring some level of "work-life balance," finding adequate time for your loved ones, and your self-care, you need to find time for personal development. Personal development when you are a busy entrepreneur is ...
Are You Ready To Host Your Own Business Event?
When it comes to being an entrepreneur, there’s a lot you’re going to have to handle that you might not have factored into your original business plan. You have the bare bones of your dream business all laid out in front of you, and you’ve got plenty of ideas you'd like to implement so that ...
11 Ways To Improve Your Customer Experience
One thing that every entrepreneur should know is that your business can’t survive without customers. After all, without customers, you have no sales, and without sales, you have no revenue, and, money is exactly what you need to keep your business up and running. Because of this, it’s absolutely crucial that you do what you ...
Here’s How To Make Your Product Stand Out without Going Broke
If you operate a business, then you will understand how important it is for you to get traffic to your site and also how important it is to raise awareness about your company. The problem is that if you have products to sell, then you need to raise awareness about this as well, and this ...
How Are You Managing Work-Life Integration?
If there’s one thing that parenthood brings it’s perspective. In fact, a change of perspective is putting it mildly. In fact, researchers have stated that parenthood completely changes your brain chemistry, meaning that the things that once mattered a lot, caused you so much stress and anxiety, or kept you awake at night, become things ...