It's the last day of March. Check out my PERFECTLY IMPERFECT video. Moms Need Self-Care. What are your plans to be good to yourself the rest of the year?
I Quit! What To Do When A Job Conflicts With Your Code Of Ethics
Recently the question was posed: Should you ever quit a job over ethics or principle? In my humble opinion, unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, have Oprah, Trump or Gates money, the answer is a resounding "No!" You can't put a price on your ethics or principles, however you also can't pay your ...
It Takes A Village
Despite the dreary winter weather, I'm feeling excited about my weekend events. One in particular, includes an opportunity to speak with college-bound students about the needed strategies to get into and remain in college. It Takes A Village! I'll also be speaking with them about the advantages and disadvantages of social media. As a society, we are at risk ...
34 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Use Their Blog for Business
34 Entrepreneurs (I'm #32) Explain How They Use Their Blog for Business READ MORE