Jacqueline Miller
The “Get Your Life” Strategist for High-Achieving Women
Motherhood is not where dreams go to die.
Here’s the deal: You absolutely adore being a mother, but if we’re being honest?
Sometimes you secretly wonder if there’s more to life than baseball games, ballet recitals and clarinet lessons.
(Oh, and laundry. Loads of laundry. Pun intended.)
I get it. Before the kids, you had big dreams. Burning desires. A glorious destiny you were striving for, every day.
Maybe you had a book to write. Or a business to start. Or a (laundry) list of glittering big cities you simply had to visit.
Well, mama, the truth is, it’s not too late.
In fact, the time is NOW to get clear, get committed and to get your life back! #nomoreexcuses
Hi, I’m Jacqueline Miller, and I work with amazing, high-achieving women like you.
Women like you who are Moms, but who also know that there is more to their life than just being Mom.
The only problem is, you may not know what that “something more” is, or if you do know, you are concerned that you
can’t pursue it AND be a great mom.
I’ve got a fantastic secret for you:
There IS life outside motherhood – and it’s waiting for you to go out and live it, right now.
You do NOT have to wait for Billy or Bianca to graduate to write that book, paint that masterpiece or tell
corporate America, “I’m out!”
It’s possible to do things you love and love your family, too, and I can show you how.
Are you ready to live a fulfilling, incredible life….kids and all? High-achievers find a way to make it happen and I’m the life coach to hold you accountable to your dreams.
Seeking permission to put YOU first? Granted. Sign up HERE and grab the FREE “25 Days of Self Love Mini E-Course.”
25 days of straight up love – JUST FOR YOU!
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Jacqueline Miller, The “Get Your Life” Strategist Touching Lives